5 ways eating salmon supports your health
December 5, 2023
Is salmon a regular part of your family’s menu? Maybe a slice of beautiful smoked salmon with scrambled eggs and lemon for a lovely weekend breakfast, or a show-stopping salmon en croute for a dinner party?
There are so many delicious salmon dishes to consider. But don’t be fooled into thinking we’re just considering your taste buds here – salmon packs a punch nutritionally too! In this blog we’ll be delving into the benefits of this popular fish and how the essential nutrients it provides can support your health.
Is salmon a regular part of your family’s menu? Maybe a slice of beautiful smoked salmon with scrambled eggs and lemon for a lovely weekend breakfast, or a show-stopping salmon en croute for a dinner party?
There are so many delicious salmon dishes to consider. But don’t be fooled into thinking we’re just considering your taste buds here – salmon packs a punch nutritionally too! In this blog we’ll be delving into the benefits of this popular fish and how the essential nutrients it provides can support your health.
🐟 Protein
Did you know that farmed Atlantic salmon contains more protein than the equivalent quantity of both chicken and minced beef? Salmon is a brilliant source of protein, which is an essential part of a healthy diet.
Why? Because protein knows what our bodies need and works hard for us. That could be helping our body tissues to grow and repair themselves, supporting our immune system, regulating our appetite or helping provide us with a steady supply of energy throughout the day.
How? When we eat protein, the body breaks it down into amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein itself. It then re-assembles those amino acids into whichever type of protein is needed at that specific time. So clever!
To make the most of this activity, we need more than 20 different amino acids to be at work in our bodies. Some of these we can make ourselves but there are 9 that we can’t make – known as essential amino acids – and these need to come from food, which is why including sufficient protein in our diets is so important.
🐟 Omega 3 fatty acids
Omega 3 fatty acids are the reason it’s recommended that we eat two portions of oily fish per week. They help with the maintenance and function of our cells, reduce inflammation that contributes to conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, eczema and lupus, and can help prevent heart disease and strokes.
Despite their benefits, the body can’t make them itself so – as with the essential amino acids – we need to source them from our diet. Oily fish like salmon are a great way of doing this because they have naturally high levels of unsaturated fat – which translates into high levels of omega 3s – whilst remaining low in saturated fat.
🐟 Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 only occurs naturally in animal products, and fishes like salmon and trout are some of the very best sources in terms of the amount you consume per serving. B12 supports brain function and the health of our nerve cells, as well as contributing to the production of DNA and many of the chemical reactions in the body.
🐟 Iodine, potassium and selenium
We only need small amounts of these minerals each day and they can all be found in salmon! Selenium supports thyroid health and brain function, while potassium helps with blood pressure regulation and water retention, and iodine helps maintain healthy hormone regulation. All activities we might not think much about but that support overall good health and wellbeing.
🐟 Vitamin D
Vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium, which is essential for long-term bone health. It’s well known to come from sunlight, but if you live in a part of the world where daily sunlight isn’t a given, eating salmon is a great plan b. Amazingly, salmon contains 66% of your daily recommended intake of Vitamin D – a really meaningful contribution to keeping your bones strong!
Now you know all the benefits of regularly including salmon in your diet what will you try first? Why not get started with a quick and family-friendly salmon and pea tagliatelle, or pack up a salmon and avocado rainbow salad for a nutritious mid-week lunch?
We regularly share recipes and ways to fit more fish into your diet on Instagram, so do follow along for fishy inspiration!