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ASC creates measurable, positive change in global seafood farming.

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ASC Certified Shrimp Farmer Bangladesh

Deep dive: the ASC Improver Programme

October 29, 2024

When you think of responsible seafood farming, you might picture big farms with large networks of distributors and retailers. But these aren’t the only producers; there are actually huge numbers of smaller farms around the world who contribute to the seafood farming industry. And many of these are as conscious of their impact on the environment and the need for responsible seafood farming practices as the large ASC certified farms.

Here at ASC we believe that every farm can make a difference. That’s why we support these smaller farms by inviting them to join the ASC Improver Programme. Keep reading to find out what this programme does, the benefits to participants and how it’s helping build momentum in the responsible seafood farming community.

Who is the ASC Improver Programme for?

The Improver Programme supports small seafood farms who don’t yet qualify for ASC certification or aren’t ready to start the certification process.

These farms are all committed to making improvements in the way they farm seafood but typically don’t have the systems and controls in place to be able to demonstrate responsible practices to retailers, or the financial and technical abilities to meet ASC’s standards.

How does the Improver Programme work?

Whilst farms participating in an Improver Programme AIP are responsible for implementing their improvement plan, they receive support at every step. This is achieved through a framework of external supporting parties who ensure farms have the resources and know-how they need to implement change. Supporting roles can vary but always include AIP partners and ASC trained, independent verifiers and implementers.

“Before joining the AIP, I did not pay attention to the paperwork for the land and never practiced record-keeping. But now I do all the paperwork and record-keeping. After (starting the) AIP, we got a lot of training. We learned how to use advanced technology and equipment to examine the soil and water…. We have benefited a lot from this.”

Mohammad, farmer from Black Tiger Shrimp in Bangladesh

Crucially, participating farms implement the same standards as ASC certified farms. , this includes being aware of both the social and environmental impact of the farm and making sure these impacts are minimised.

AIPs also create a community for shared learning around farming practices. This has proved invaluable to small farms who may have been farming the same way for generations and haven’t had opportunities to be exposed to new ideas and methods.

Do all AIP participants become ASC certified?

Within the Improver Programme farms can work towards becoming fully ASC certified and will then be able to use our teal label on their products. For instance, in late 2023 we celebrated PT. Koyo Segoro Endah (KSE), an Indonesian shrimp farm, becoming the first farm to become ASC certified after participating in the Improver Programme.

However, the ASC certification isn’t the end goal for all participants. Some will instead take the AIP to Better Practices route, which means that by the end of the programme they will have embedded better practices in all the improvement areas identified at the start of their journey.

In both cases, farms will leave the Programme significantly better equipped to farm responsibly while maximising their productivity. They will also have increased access to market, helping meet the international demand for responsibly farmed seafood from seafood lovers and therefore retailers too.

ASC Seafood Shrimp Farm Thailand Best Aquaculture Partners
ASC Certified Seafood Shrimp Bangladesh

“We didn’t understand the quality of larvae either, so we used to release local larvae into the ponds. Our pond quality would deteriorate, and production was low. Our production increased by 20-30% since we started using SPF (Specific Pathogen Free) larvae in 2023.”

Mohammad, farmer from Black Tiger Shrimp in Bangladesh

How is the Programme supporting ASC’s mission?

Here at ASC we set strict standards for the seafood farming industry with the goal of helping it meet the growing demand for seafood in a responsible and sustainable way.

We believe that many small steps add up to systemic change, both within the ASC certified farming community and outside it. This is why we created a way for smaller farms to improve their practices even if their end goal isn’t ASC certification.

We have found that knowledge sharing within the community is incredibly useful and productive to farmers. We’re delighted to see the success of existing AIPs encouraging other small farms to participate in their areas and get started on their path to responsible seafood farming.

ASC Seafood Shrimp Bangladesh Improver Programme

To find out more about the ASC Improver Programme and how you can participate click here.

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