Insights from my participation in an ASC farm site audit
January 8, 2025
By Laetitia Rosing, Producer Outreach and Regional Manager for the Nordics.
ASC operates an independent, third-party certification scheme whereby qualified auditors determine if a farm meets ASC criteria. These auditors are in turn monitored by the independent assurance body Assurance Services International (ASI). A full history of audit reports, including the location of farms, is available on our website, as full transparency is one of the ground pillars of the ASC programme. All farms must undergo yearly audits conducted by third-party accreditation bodies to be compliant with the ASC standard. You can read more about our assurance here.
When I assumed my role as Producer Outreach and Regional Manager for the Nordics at ASC, it quickly became evident that attending a farm site audit would greatly enhance my understanding of the requirements for ASC-certified farmers in our region. My technical contact at one of my key customer accounts suggested that I attend an audit at their sites to gain firsthand insight into the process. I was more than happy to accept the invitation.
They coordinated the arrangements with their auditor or Conformity Assessment Body (CAB) who approved my attendance. To prepare, I completed ASC’s internal policy for attending audits, which emphasises the role of the observer—to remain neutral and avoid interfering with the process.
The audit began with an online review of the farm sites, focusing on the documentation required under Principles 1–7 of the ASC Salmon Standard. The CAB conducted a thorough examination of the Certification and Accreditation Requirements (CAR)—the normative document CABs use to evaluate farms. This involved assessing documentation of routines, procedures, and data to ensure compliance.
All farm routines and procedures must be captured within the internal management system. If documentation is lacking, the CAB notes non-conformities (classified as minor or major) and sets deadlines for resolution.
The audit addresses all aspects of salmon farming that pose risks to production. The ASC Standard is structured into three main areas: compliance with local laws and regulations, environmental compliance, and social compliance. These areas are divided into seven Principles and 30 Criteria, each with measurable Indicators. The indicators establish specific, science-based targets for farms, making the ASC Standard unique. No other sustainable aquaculture certification scheme requires such rigorous, metric-based data.
Following the desk-based audit, we proceeded to the on-site inspection at two sites in mid Norway. Most Norwegian farm sites are located in remote coastal communities, playing a vital role in providing jobs and economic activity and these sites were no exceptions.
Traveling during a Norwegian winter is never without challenges. My trip began at 8:00 AM on a Tuesday, with plans to reach my destination by 4:00 PM after three flights. Unfortunately, a delay in the first flight disrupted the entire schedule, and it took 14 hours to arrive—making for an exceptionally long day.
The next morning, we began early, traveling via car, ferry, and a 40-minute boat ride. The site, located far offshore and sheltered by a small island, was thoroughly inspected.
Laetitia Rosing, Producer Outreach and Regional Manager for the Nordics
The audit started with an inspection of the boat, the feed barge, and the pens to identify any potential technical failures, such as those that could lead to fish escapes. Escapes must be documented, and farms are limited to a maximum of 300 escaped fish per production cycle. Farms must also implement robust procedures to prevent escapes entirely.
The auditor reviewed documentation on various topics, including benthic monitoring. Particular focus was given to the MOM-C test, which assesses the broader environmental impact of the site, distinguishing it from the MOM-B test that measures impact directly beneath the pens.
Lice management was another critical area. Farms must document lice counts year-round, with weekly counts required during sensitive periods when wild juvenile salmon migrate to sea. If the lice threshold of 0.2 adult female lice per fish is exceeded, immediate action is mandated.
Mortality monitoring is equally stringent. Farms must determine the cause of death for all mortalities, and unexplained deaths must not exceed 40% of total mortalities over the last two production cycles for farms with over 6% mortality. Additionally, virus-related mortalities must remain below 10% in the most recent cycle. Farms must also present a mortality reduction programme with defined annual targets.
The audit concluded with employee interviews conducted privately to verify compliance with the social requirements of the standard.
Observations at Site 2
The second site was closer to shore, requiring only a short boat ride. This site utilised innovative submerged pens designed to reduce lice infestations, which thrive near the water’s surface. Unlike traditional pens, there were no visible fish jumping.
Each day, employees inflate the pens with oxygen under a cloth to allow salmon to fill their swim bladders with air. During this operation, they also pump out dead fish, which are counted and analysed for cause of death. Moribund fish are humanely euthanised, in line with ASC requirements.
The inspection procedures at site 2 mirrored those at site 1.
Unfortunately, due to time constraints, I could not attend the audit at the processing plant where the fish are slaughtered. However, ASC standards mandate humane stunning (mechanical or electrical) before bleeding and gutting. A manual check ensures all fish are properly sedated before processing.
In conclusion, this audit experience has been invaluable, offering profound insights into the rigorous requirements and processes that define ASC certification. The meticulous focus on measurable, science-driven criteria confirms why the ASC Standard is regarded as the most demanding in the industry. This standard not only sets stringent benchmarks but also ensures robust documentation and compliance, highlighting its unparalleled commitment to sustainability.