Key Data Elements Project
February 13, 2023
To improve assurances throughout ASC certified supply chains and enhance confidence in the industry, ASC is pioneering a Key Data Elements (KDE) end-to-end traceability project.
The project uses software to digitally capture and convey Key Data Elements (KDEs) from ASC certified farms throughout the supply chain to retailers. As product is moved, the data is transferred digitally along the supply chain, from one company to another, using a unique code.
ASC has worked closely with supply chain company partners, stakeholders and large-scale traceability initiatives such as the Global Dialogue on Seafood Traceability (GDST) as we have shared objectives. One of these is interoperability which we aim to achieve by using the EPCIS standard for data exchange between different software providers and the ASC platform.
The project’s initial focus has been on shrimp in Vietnam. To date, the majority of companies in Vietnam and India that label their shrimp products with the ASC label have signed up, and the roll-out has begun in Bangladesh.
In addition to providing greater verifiable information to meet industry demands and expectations, the project will also enhance transparency for all those who are sourcing, selling and buying ASC certified shrimp products.
For retailers, the KDE project offers a quicker and a more accurate alert to any supply chain issues while also helping them to evidence that they meet environmental and social commitments.
For suppliers, it offers digital access to certified seafood transactions and all relevant documents in one place, through an easy-to-use platform that is GDST-aligned and may be interoperable with existing systems.
The KDEs captured include species’ scientific name, stock size and volume, source of broodstock, production method, country of origin and location of farm, movement and transportation documents, source and certification status of feed ingredients, processor type, date of freezing and sales documents. The data captured support traceability, which ultimately helps strengthen integrity and programme assurance.
Inclusion of hatchery name and stocking data means that tracking and verification measures begin prior to harvest, which is where ASC differs from some other schemes.
ASC has confidential access to all data collected to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of product integrity investigations and other programme assurance activities, including monitoring and evaluation. The list of data elements captured can be downloaded here – and will evolve over time.
The project is part of a suite of new tools, using the latest technology and adapting successful methods from other sectors, that ASC is championing to offer the most robust traceability and assurance in the certified seafood sector.
While the project has focused on shrimp to date, this is set to expand to other species and geographies, to be determined in discussion with key retail stakeholders.
Please feel free to contact the ASC Innovations team for more information and updates at kde@asc-aqua.org.
Page updated in May 2023.