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Why ASC?

We set the standard for seafood. If you see the ASC label on pack, you can be sure that your seafood was farmed with care.

Our impact

By choosing ASC labelled seafood, you are making a proven, positive impact on people and the planet.

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Join the most recognised certification programme as proof of your responsible farming practices to a global audience.

Our impact

ASC creates measurable positive change in global seafood farming.

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The ASC programme is successful because of all producers and partners involved. Read our reports and stories.


Join the most recognised certification programme and benefit from trading ASC certified seafood.

Our impact

ASC creates measurable, positive change in global seafood farming.

After certification

In addition to accessing our global network of secure and flexible supply, ASC partners benefit from marketing their ASC certified seafood.

The social impact of aquaculture

The aquaculture industry employs 20.5 million people worldwide!

It is imperative that organisations such as the ASC provide ways to help protect the welfare of the people who work in the seafood sector and the communities who may be affected by aquaculture activities. No matter what country or company is involved, ASC certification imposes strict requirements based on the core principles of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). These include:

As a supporting member of the GLWC Action Network, ASC is committed to alignment on living wage definitions and measurement and to supporting the production and use of high quality living wage estimates.

Certification to the ASC standards also helps ensure:

Health and Safety at farms

Farms must provide safe environments and workplace health and safety training. When an accident happens, it must be recorded and investigated thoroughly and preventative measures taken. Employers must also prove they are insured to cover 100 per cent of workers costs when a job-related accident or injury occurs.

Fair wages and contracts

Farms must demonstrate they are working toward paying a basic needs wage, not just meeting minimum wage, by sharing a transparent mechanism for wage-setting and a labour conflict resolution. Additionally, contracts must ensure transparency between the employer and employee and cannot be used to avoid paying benefits or to deny other rights.

Community consultation

A farm must respond to concerns that arise in communities located near the farm and to concerns related to the farm’s overall operations, including indigenous communities.

Fair grievance and disciplinary procedures

Companies must have a clear labour conflict resolution policy in place for the presentation, treatment and resolution of worker grievances in a confidential manner. Additionally, a certified farm shall never employ threatening, humiliating or punishing disciplinary practices that negatively impact a worker’s physical and mental health or dignity. Wage or financial deductions as a means of disciplinary action is also unacceptable.

Equality in aquaculture

Women’s engagement in aquaculture is plays an important role in the sector. But although women account for large percentage of total workers, they frequently see less return than men for their work.

Women are essential to the aquaculture industry. WorldFish explains that “women have a vital role in fisheries and aquaculture — as fishers, fish farmers, processors and traders.” Most women work in post-harvest roles, including 90 percent of jobs tied to processing in developing countries.

Do your bit: Look for the logo!

It can be tough trying to be a socially conscious consumer – there is a lot of information out there but it’s not always obvious what you can trust. But at least your choice of farmed seafood can be a simple one – just look for the ASC logo!

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