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Why ASC?

We set the standard for seafood. If you see the ASC label on pack, you can be sure that your seafood was farmed with care.

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By choosing ASC labelled seafood, you are making a proven, positive impact on people and the planet.

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Join the most recognised certification programme as proof of your responsible farming practices to a global audience.

Our impact

ASC creates measurable positive change in global seafood farming.

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The ASC programme is successful because of all producers and partners involved. Read our reports and stories.


Join the most recognised certification programme and benefit from trading ASC certified seafood.

Our impact

ASC creates measurable, positive change in global seafood farming.

After certification

In addition to accessing our global network of secure and flexible supply, ASC partners benefit from marketing their ASC certified seafood.

1st Stakeholder Working Group open for applications

June 15, 2011

The Accreditation and Certification documents are the core of the ASC certification scheme, laying out:

  • The ASC Accreditation Requirements for Certification Bodies that want to certify aquaculture producers and/or other industry players against the ASC standards for farming and/or chain of custody
  • ASC Certification Methodology for Aquaculture and Chain of Custody to be applied by Certification Bodies that outlines all the steps in the certification process.

The first four standards were handed to the ASC by WWF during the recent European Seafood Exposition in Brussels, May 3: Tilapia, Pangasius, Bivalves and Abalone. Four other standards are still being developed by the Aquaculture Dialogues Salmon, Shrimp, Cobia/Seriola & Fresh Water Trout.

A good draft document has been prepared by a consultant and the ASC which now needs to be reviewed and fine tuned.

For this ASC is looking for professionals with a background in or affinity with the set up of certification schemes for responsibly produced commodities.

For more information on the Aquaculture Dialogues, see the WWF website:

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