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ASC creates measurable, positive change in global seafood farming.

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ASC achieves full ISEAL Membership

April 28, 2015

The Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) has been accepted as a full member of the ISEAL Alliance. This means that ASC is in full compliance with ISEAL’s Standard-Setting Code.

ISEAL is the global membership association for sustainability standards. Its mission is to strengthen standards systems for the benefit of people and the environment by defining credibility and bringing organisations together to strengthen their effectiveness.

ASC joined ISEAL as an associate member in 2012. All ISEAL members must adhere to the ISEAL Credibility Principles, meet the criteria set out in ISEAL’s Codes of Good Practice and commit to continuous improvement.

Chris Ninnes, ASC’s CEO, said: “We are very proud to become a full ISEAL member and I’d like to thank everyone who helped us achieve this recognition. This is third-party acknowledgement of all the work that goes into ensuring our standards are robust and credible. And, by ensuring we meet the ISEAL requirements we have confirmation that we have an effective standards system to meet our goals.”

The standard setting process introduced by ASC was evaluated by an external assessor to confirm it was in compliance with the ISEAL Standard-Setting Code. Following the defined standard setting procedure, the assessor will review ASC’s implementation of its ongoing projects later this year. ASC will then be subject to a peer review to assess its monitoring and evaluation system against the ISEAL Impacts Code and accreditation and certification system against the ISEAL Assurance Code.

Karin Kreider, Executive Director at ISEAL Alliance, said: “We are delighted to welcome ASC into full ISEAL Alliance membership. It has been an incredible journey, from the development of its Standards and the certification of its first farms in 2012, and to have now achieved full membership highlights the considerable commitment from the team to meet the criteria of the Standard-Setters Code. We now look forward to continuing to work closely with ASC, sharing the learning and tracking their impacts and improvements.”

About ISEAL full membership

Membership in the ISEAL Alliance is open to any international sustainability standards system that has a multi-stakeholder approach and supports the ISEAL Credibility Principles.

Achieving ISEAL membership consists of a learning pathway and checks of compliance with ISEAL’s Codes of Good Practice, which ensure that standard-setters have well-functioning systems in place that embrace credibility and effectiveness. The commitment of ISEAL’s members to delivering positive impact, to embracing credible practices, and to improving with their like-minded peers, is the hallmark of what it means to be part of the ISEAL Alliance.

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