ASC is Once Again Rated in Top Ten out of 100 Food Labels
February 8, 2019
The ASC logo has been rated among the top ten food product labels that consumers can trust by Dutch researchers Milieu Centraal, on behalf of the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality.
Milieu Centraal analysed almost 100 quality marks before narrowing this down to the ten that provide the most reassurance to shoppers looking to make environmentally and socially responsible choices.
“This research provides reassurance for Dutch consumers who want to shop responsibly but don’t know what to look for,” said Esther Luiten, Commercial Director at ASC. “We’re delighted to see the rigorous and transparent nature of the ASC programme has been highlighted by this independent and robust report.”
According to Milieu Centraal, for a quality mark to be considered worthy of inclusion in the top ten, it must be strict and ambitious, transparent and reliable.
The researchers carried out similar analysis in 2016, and both reports have recommended ASC as part of the top ten quality marks. The methodology had been updated for the latest report, with aspects such as continuous improvement added to the analysis. As well as regular reviews of all its standards, additional monitoring and improvement work is being carried out by the ASC’s standards and science team to monitor how well the ASC mission is being achieved, and share useful data about the industry with stakeholders and the public.
Milieu Centraal were asked by the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality to carry out the analysis so consumers could be provided with clarity and confidence when looking for quality marks on food.
More information on the research can be found on the Milieu Centraal website.