ASC Salmon Given Green Rating in New Good Fish Guide
October 13, 2020
The Marine Conservation Society (MCS) has released its Good Fish Guide for UK shoppers and awarded ASC certified salmon a green ‘Best Choice’ rating.
It is the first time the MCS has investigated ASC certified salmon for its guide, which reflects the growing availability of these products in UK supermarkets, and the rating means consumers can be assured that the ASC label on salmon indicates it is a good choice for the environment.
The MCS looked at the ASC Salmon Standard and how it can be applied to farming in Scotland and Norway, and the rating underlines the detailed requirements in the ASC Salmon Standard – covering a wide range of issues including escapes, fish health, sustainable feed, responsible medicine use, and fair pay and treatment for workers.
“This is good news for UK consumers as it comes at a time when more Scottish salmon farms are achieving ASC certification and more products with the ASC label are appearing on the shelves,” said Maud van den Haspel, ASC UK Market Development Manager. “With so many claims about sustainability on different products it can be hard for environmentally conscious consumers to know what to trust, but as this guide demonstrates, the ASC label is an easy way to be sure your salmon is from a responsible farmer.”
MCS focuses on species that are sold and popular in the UK so not all of ASC’s standards are included, but other ASC certified species which received a green ‘Best Choice’ rating include pangasius, tilapia, kingfish, and mussels.
ASC certification is only awarded to farms that meet all of the stringent requirements in the relevant standard, and this fish must then be traced all along the supply chain to ensure that only ASC certified fish goes into a product with the ASC label.
In the years since the first farm was certified in 2014 the ASC Salmon Standard has been rapidly embraced by producers around the world. There are nearly 500 ASC certified salmon farms around the world, with the majority in Norway. Following a recent update to the standard to make it more applicable to Scottish farming methods, the number of certified farms in Scotland has started to grow with eight certified and eight more currently in the process of applying for certification.