Invitation Auditor Training ASC Salmon Standard, 19-21 February
January 20, 2013
This first course for the ASC Salmon Standard auditor training will be held at Stirling Management Centre, Stirling, Scotland, UK. To register interested parties should fill out the application form that can be downloaded.
Completed forms to be sent to
Delegates should arrange their own accommodation which may be at the Centre itself where rooms are available at £75 per night through or by telephone at 00441786 451666, quoting Event 89744 – ASC, or at a hotel of their own choice. Coffee, tea and lunch will be provided during the course and the ASC invite all delegates to a workshop dinner on the evening of Wednesday 20th.
Dates: 19–21 Feb 2013, 0900 – 1730hrs (for accreditation it is mandatory to participate in the full training AND successfully participate in the exams)
Location: Stirling Management Centre, Stirling, Scotland.
Number of available seats: Maximum of 20 (first come, first serve; those who will register first will have first rights)
To be able to deliver the training at a good level, group size will be kept to a maximum of 20 participants per training. If ASC receives more registrations, it may decide to limit the number of participants to 2 per organisation.
A 2nd training may be organised if there is sufficient interest. If so, ASC will decide, together with trainers, when and where this training could be held.
Registration can only be done via:
Costs indication :
350 euros per participant per day (1,050 euros for full training)
Included: training materials, 3 days’ training participation, professional and experienced trainer, 1 dinner, exam participation, coffee/tea/water and 3 simple lunches during training. (NOT included: all other costs, like travel costs, accommodation and all other related costs)