Meet Debbie Duurzaam, promoting certified food in the Netherlands
September 15, 2016
The Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC), the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) and WWF Netherlands are gearing up to the launch of the Fourth annual Think Fish Week campaign in the Netherlands.
The campaign will be held September 26th through October 2nd to encourage consumers to choose ASC and MSC certified seafood when shopping. The week is organised in cooperation with Dutch retailers, fish mongers, and well-known seafood brands.
This year, Dutch consumers are also encouraged to think beyond seafood while doing their grocery shopping via a social media campaign starring Debbie Duurzaam.
Debbie loves “duurzaam”, which means sustainable in Dutch. Sustainability is her lifestyle, because she loves life and everything that is good for the environment, good for the planet, good for oceans, good for animals and good for people.
When Debbie shops, she always looks for labels such as ASC and MSC for seafood, Beter Leven for meat and dairy products, BioNext organic, and Fairtrade.
Debbie loves the people behind these labels. Therefore, she is going to surprise Douwe who is growing organic carrots in this clip.
ASC and MSC are working with BioNext (for organic), Fairtrade and Beter Leven, the Dutch certification programme for meat and dairy products, to bring Debbie to life. Debbie is the link between the four individual but complimentary marketing campaigns organised this autumn by these certification programmes.
Do as Debbie does, love food and choose products that carry these labels. Discover how easy it is to make a responsible choice!
Bio10days, 15-25 September
Think Fish Week, 26 September – 2 October
Beter Leven Week, 24 – 30 October