Royal Greenland supports the development of the ASC standards
July 5, 2010
Today, Royal Greenland, one of the world’s leading groups on the seafood market, declared its support for the development of the ASC standards by the Aquaculture Dialogues.
Bruno Olesen, Sales and Marketing Director: “We have the responsibility to suppy our customers and our consumers with seafood from sustainable sources. We therefore contribute to the Aquaculture Dialogues’ standard setting process by reviewing and/or commenting on the Aquaculture Dialogues’ draft standards for shrimp, salmon and freswater trout. The standard setting process in the Aquaculture Dialogues is probably the most robust, transparent and universal approach involving a large and diverse group of stakeholders.
We already work with MSC certified fishery products and will work with ASC certified farmed seafood products in order to achieve our objective to provide our customers with seafood from environmentally and socially sustainable sources.”