It’s Think Fish Week!
September 27, 2017
The message at the core of Think Fish Week is amplified by simultaneous regional campaigns devoted to the importance of eco-labels, including Omram Duurzaaam. Further recognition of the strength of the ASC certification has come from the Dutch consumer organisation Milieu Centraal. After comparing existing eco-labels, Milieu Centraal recognised ASC as one of its 11 ‘top-ecolabels’, based on criteria for robustness, goals, transparency and credibility. The organisation now supports ASC, and tells the story behind the label, in in their own campaign.
Thanks to the support and efforts of our partners, ASC is having a real impact. Sales of certified seafood have increased by an impressive 30% in the Netherlands over the first half of this year and, as more people understand the positives of seeking out the label, we hope to see further growth.
Thanks to credible, independent certification, selecting responsible seafood has never been easier. This Think Fish Week and every week after, you can purchase seafood with the ASC or MSC eco-labels to support producers who care about the environment and local communities, while also fostering improvements in fisheries and aquaculture worldwide. Join us in making the right choice! #Bewustevisweek