ASC GIS Portal
Welcome to the ASC’s centralised spatial data hub
We have centralised access to ASC GIS platforms, from which you can view, access, and explore the geographic data related to the ASC and our activities, as well as platforms for our stakeholders to verify and submit their own data.
Explore the ASC Spatial Hub
Within the Hub, dive into our datasets and see our impacts around the world with our Online Farm Mapping tool. Here you can explore the locations of ASC certified farms and how they interact with the world around them.
Have coordinates to verify? Applicants can verify their point coordinates before submission using our new Coordinate Capture Tool.
Please be aware that all GIS data submissions adhere to a 5 working day validation period. If the submission do not adhere to our Quality Assurance protocol, you will be notified within 8 working days with remedies to this error. All json files submitted for 2023 have been processed. Unless you have received contact from us regrading errors to your submissions, please consider the submissions as accepted.
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