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ASC creates measurable, positive change in global seafood farming.

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GSI members have reduced medicine use, incorporated more sustainable feed

May 17, 2018

Transparency: GSI publishes Sustainability data

The Global Salmon Initiative (GSI) has published online in April its 5th set of (2017) sustainability data, presented per company and per region, which covers 14 key sustainability indicators. The pre-competitive and CEO-led GSI currently comprises 17 salmon farming companies – representing ~55% of the global salmon production industry – which have committed to achieving ASC-certification across 100% of their farms by 2020.

The 9 environmental and 5 social sustainability indicators reported upon are: fish escapes, fish mortality, antibiotic use, sea lice counts, sea lice treatments, non-medicinal methods, wildlife interactions, use of marine ingredients in feed, certification and environmental licences; compliance, occupational health & safety, community engagements, direct labour, R&D investments.

Highlights include the fact that over 40% of GSI production is now ASC-certified; over the 5-year period GSI members have reduced the use of medicinal sea lice treatments by 40%. GSI members’ have also reduced their use of fish oil and fishmeal by, respectively, 16% and 15% by continued innovations in the sourcing and efficiency of feed ingredients.

“As GSI members we are acting on our commitment to improve our social and environmental performance, and we know that transparency is an essential element of responsibility and in getting us to where we want to be in the future,” Gerardo Balbontin, GSI Co-Chair and CEO of Blumar, commented in the April 26, 2018 GSI statement.

The GSI Sustainability Report can be found here.

Confidental Infomation