ASC, GAA and GLOBALG.A.P. pilot combined audit checklists
April 22, 2015
To increase audit efficiency, three leading aquaculture certification programmes, ASC, BAP and GLOBALG.A.P. have now drafted and agreed combined checklists for farms that seek more than one certificate.
A combined checklist minimises duplication of audit points between schemes and will comprise all the audit points of one standard supplemented by specific add-on clauses for the other standard(s).
A farm that seeks multiple certifications can select any one of the three programmes as the primary standard and then select the desired add-on(s).
If a farm proves to be compliant with the schemes’ standards it may be able to gain two certificates (or later even three) through this process.
Combined audits for ASC and GLOBALG.A.P. covering shrimp, salmon and pangasius; for GLOBALG.A.P. and BAP covering finfish and crustaceans; and for ASC and BAP covering pangasius, will be available for piloting from 22 April and, if successful, they can lead to farms obtaining multiple certificates. Other species are likely to be considered after the pilots have been evaluated and other combined pilot audits will be available soon.
Auditors will be able to combine audits to a large extent. In order for them to grant certification against individual schemes they will need to meet all the scheme’s requirements.
The three organisations will continue to retain their independence while striving to offer further synergies wherever possible.