Call For Stakeholder Input on Certification Assessments
August 6, 2020
The sites Aracena 1, Aracena 5, and Aracena 9, which belong to the Chilean Salmon company Nova Austral, will have an audit conducted on 26, 27 August and 1st September; and 28-29, 31 August and 2nd September; and 24,25 and 31st August respectively to assess whether they meet the ASC salmon standard. The audit will be conducted by an independent company, in this case Control Union (CUP), as ASC operates a ‘third-party’ system and is not involved in assessments or certification decisions.
The assessment process encourages and seeks the engagement of stakeholders. This ensures that CUP has access to all the most relevant information in support of their certification decision.
If any individual or organization would like to submit information or comments about the sites under assessment as they relate to the ASC Salmon Standard, they can either submit them before the audit or once that the draft audit report is published for a 15 day public comment period.
The comments should be submitted directly to the certification company according to the directions provided in the audit announcement. Alternatively, a Stakeholder Comment Form can be dowloaded from the Programme Assurance page.
For more information please email