Helping Latvian seafood consumers choose responsibly
October 13, 2014
Latvian seafood guide introduces ASC for the first time
Seafood shoppers in Latvia can now choose responsibly farmed fish easily with the help of the new edition of the Latvian seafood guide.
For the first time, the guide features information about the Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) programme for responsible aquaculture.
The launch of ASC in Latvia’s seafood guide follows the introduction of the ASC logo in the Dutch, Swedish, Indonesian, Spanish, Belgian, Finnish, and Hong Kong editions.
“We have had a very positive response to the ASC from the market. This year alone, ASC labelled products have been introduced in 40 new countries throughout 5 continents. And, since recently ASC certified pangasius has been sold in Latvia as well”, said Esther Luiten, ASC’s Commercial Manager.
“I would like to extend thanks to all the companies that are supporting ASC and the certified farms. Their commitment and faith in our programme has a direct impact on moving aquaculture towards environmental and social responsibility.”
Helping responsible seafood consumers choose wisely
The Sustainable seafood guide can now to be found in 18 countries. It has helped consumers around the world choose sustainably wild caught fish since the first version was launched in the Netherlands nearly a decade ago. As of last year, when ASC was introduced in the Belgian guide, shoppers can now find out about responsibly farmed ASC certified fish.
The guide simply tells shoppers which seafood to enjoy and which to avoid. The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), Seafood Choices Alliance, and the North Sea Foundation together developed the methodology, which measures the level of sustainability of seafood species.
A logo for responsible aquaculture
ASC certified products are easily recognised by the on-pack ASC logo. The logo provides consumers with the assurance that ASC labelled products come from farms that use responsible methods which minimise their environmental and social impacts.
ASC certified farms deliver a cleaner seabed, cleaner water and healthier fish, preserve the diversity of the species and wild population, adhere to strict feed requirements, avoid unnecessary use of chemicals and antibiotics, and ensure social responsibility for their farm workers and local communities.