More than 500 ASC labelled products available to consumers
October 30, 2013
ASC labelled seafood can be found across 24 countries, with the ASC logo now reaching South Korean consumers
The Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) celebrates a milestone. More than 500 products carrying the ASC logo are available in the market. Last year in the end of September, five months after the ASC logo became available, there were 92 products. A year on there has been almost a five fold increase.
“This is tremendous progress for the ASC considering the logo has only been in the market for the last year. I want to thank the companies that have included ASC labelled seafood in their ranges for their commitment and support for responsible aquaculture. In doing so they join a market for responsible seafood which is growing in global significance,” says Chris Ninnes, ASC Chief Executive.
The first products to use the ASC logo hit the market in late 2012, and since then almost 550 ASC labelled tilapia and pangasius products are available, offering consumers an ever greater choice. The amount and variety of products is expected to rise following the completion of other ASC standards and auditor trainings in the coming months.
First products in South Korea: Fortune Life helps ASC reach its 500th labelled product
Now ASC labelled seafood is available to consumers in South Korea. The distribution company Pinus, which imports seafood from EU and Asia, has recently introduced ASC labelled tilapia products, the first launched in the country. It is the 500th product with the ASC logo for responsible aquaculture.
Pinus distributes them under the Taiwanese Fortune Life international brand, which processes the seafood farmed by ASC certified Nan Ying Aquaculture Association in Taiwan.
Hyon Mo Kim, president of Pinus says “We are delighted to be the first company to introduce ASC certified products in the South Korean market. Pinus’ philosophy is built on sourcing and supplying high quality seafood products. We are committed to supporting responsible aquaculture. The guarantee that our ASC certified products comes from producers that use responsible farm methods reassure our customers of this commitment.”
Robust and independent certification
Chain of custody certification provides seafood buyers and consumers with assurance that products carrying the ASC logo are sourced from a farm that is ASC certified. Companies that wish to sell their products as ASC certified must gain ASC chain of custody certification. To do so, they must pass a third party audit conducted by an independent certification body, which is accredited by Accreditation Services International. Certified companies are subject to annual surveillance audits, unannounced audits and product trace backs.
The logo ensures that ASC certified farms receive the market recognition they deserve, supply chain companies can demonstrate their commitment to putting responsible sourcing at the heart of their business and, above all, consumers can make an informed choice.